Sarah Treanor

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Creative Habits: Part 3 - End Well to Start Well

Last week, in Part 2 of this series, I talked about morning routines and the ones that I use to help me get into the studio and get working. While last week’s habit was all about starting the day, today’s is about how we finish things off. 

One type of habit I’ve been trying out in different ways the past few years is all about how I leave spaces and how that impacts my experience of returning to them. For years, I’ve always made sure we leave the house clean when we go on a family trip. I will even make sure we tidy before we’re going on a day trip sometimes… to the point that my family often jokes about my tiny tidies. Joking aside, I do absolutely love the way it feels when we get home and there are no dishes to do, no clutter to clean up, and all feels relaxed. I do it because it’s worth it to feel that way to me. 

This habit eventually found its way into my studio, and in the past year or two I’ve been doing a quick 5-minute tidy whenever I’m wrapping up for the day. I don’t do some massive full clean or anything…I just simply put away a few tools, toss any bits of materials that need to go in the trash, and clear off the work table for the next day. I’ll usually leave out any work I am in the middle of, and any tools or materials I’ll definitely be using right away the next work day, but everything else that can be put back in its home is put away. I save bigger cleans for days when I’m creatively feeling stuck - may as well use that time productively!

I find this very regular, very quick habit always leaves me feeling that much more ready for tomorrow. It lets me know that - just like after returning from a vacation to a tidy home I can relax in - I’ll be returning to a studio that is ready for me to make wonderful things in! 

What habits do you have for closing out your creative time? Do you leave yourself notes for tomorrow? Do you make a to-do list or set certain out for the next day? I think we all have so many valuable things to share about the habits that help us be our most creative selves. And if you haven’t those about those kinds of habits, I hope this post gets you thinking and trying some things, because I definitely think that ending our day well can help us begin our next day even stronger.

Cheers friends!