Sarah Treanor

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Field of Dreams

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of support this past month. Of what it means to share our dreams with others… to grow and support each other. As an artist, this is something I don't think I've ever given myself enough of. I've always tried to "make it on my own" and not rely on others... to look like I know what I'm doing and "have it all together".

I think this is common for many artists - especially those whose creative time is solitary. I think it’s also common for children of dysfunctional childhoods, who grow up learning that it’s best to take care of yourself and not lean on others. It’s not easy to share your dreams and goals and ask for support, no matter your background. It can be hard to be vulnerable enough to say you'd like help.

The truth is though, I’ve gone through a particularly successful year last year to, quite honestly, getting a bit lost this year. Well really, a lot lost. And when that lost place hit me… I realized I hadn’t really built a lot of creative/career support around me to get through it. And I hadn’t been open or honest or allowed anyone into that space with me.

I’ve done this now so many times over the years, that I think it finally sunk in (I can be endlessly stubborn!). Somewhere in this experience, I went from thinking "I can do this myself" to "I probably COULD do this all by myself, yes, but maybe that's not how I want to do it anymore. Maybe, I'd just enjoy some help and support and connection. Maybe, I’d like to just try doing things a different way. Maybe, I’d like to share in this journey more with others, and let them share with me too.” And so that is where I am now, working on this shift of trying things a new way. Connecting more deeply with others. And yes, (GASP…) asking for support! I know I’m not alone in this.

I know so many of us struggle to just speak out loud about needing help, or about wanting support for our dreams. I hope that this helps you to think about where you might not be allowing yourself support, and encourages you to let yourself have the support you need to let your dreams grow.