
As I've been spending time this past week submitting some of my black and white photography for shows, it occurred to me just how much my series on grief speaks to me right now with everything going on in our world with the COVID19 pandemic. Originally I created these after the death of my fiance when I was 29. I've decided to do a series of shares from this body of work, a bit of a re-examining of these images with our current situation in mind.

This image was originally about hope in the darkness of grief. I find it to be a powerful reminder right now… that we may be going through a scary and uncertain time in society, but there are still small glimmers of hope, kindness, humanity, joy, all around us. When I originally created this image, I remember writing in my journal that it was about the idea that hope need not be big to be powerful. Even the smallest amounts of hope can help us through the dark. This image continues to serve as a reminder to me to reserve at least a small bit of each day for finding and noticing hope. Taking a walk and noticing the details of nature. Reading articles about ways that people are being kind to one another through these quarantined times (or giving some extra kindness ourselves in creative ways). It’s a visual that reminds me that a small bit of hope goes a long way.